Tuesday 8 February 2011

Square-tailed armchair tick

Thanks to a comment made by BirdBoyBowey in a BirdForum thread, a previously unrealised tick came my way today in the form of a Square-tailed Nightjar (also known as Mozambique Nightjar) I photographed this bird in Imfolozi in South Africa in April 2007. I'd seen a few Fiery-necked Nightjars on the night drives but this one was the first to allow close-range photography - it seems that in my excitement I didn't bother to identify it! That said, the spotlight does make some of the bird's ID features a little more difficult to see, but surely that all white outer tail feather is unmissable!... Must do better next time...

Now off to a SOC talk by Ken Shaw - now he is not the type to make this sort of error, so I had better listen very closely...

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